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~ Client Success

How a Local Financial Services Firm Increased Monthly Revenue by £10,000+

As a local financial services firm, GOW and Partners needed to reflect their expertise and market presence online. When they decided to revamp their digital presence, they turned to Fruity Llama. The results truly add up, showcasing a significant improvement in their online visibility and business growth.
stood next to digital billboard with a client who advertised with fruity llama
+ 2300%
Return on Investment
+ 900%
Increase in lead generation
+ 618%
Increase in user engagement
~ Client Introduction

Who we helped!

GOW and Partners is a highly-rated accounting and finance consultancy firm, known for their exceptional service in helping clients grow their wealth.

The innovative accountancy solutions now offered at GOW and Partners are crafted, and continue to be generated, with the aim of streamlining your finance function, particularly via cloud accounting and tailored app implementation.

office transformation
Gow & Partners
Accountancy / Financial Services
~ Problems are opportunities

The Challenges our client faced...

Before engaging with Fruity Llama, GOW and Partners faced several significant challenges. Their outdated website was not user-friendly, negatively impacting user engagement and online presence.

The company’s inconsistent branding failed to effectively communicate their value proposition and professionalism. Additionally, they struggled with low visibility in the digital space, resulting in limited brand awareness.

The old website had not generated any leads in four years, severely affecting business growth and client acquisition. These challenges necessitated a comprehensive digital overhaul to enhance their online presence and effectiveness.

Outdated website

Their website was outdated and not user-friendly, which negatively impacted user engagement and online presence.

No leads

The old website had not generated any leads in four years, severely affecting business growth and client acquisition.

Inconsistent branding

The company's branding was inconsistent, failing to effectively communicate their value proposition and professionalism.

Lack of visibility

They struggled with low visibility in the digital space, resulting in limited brand awareness.

office signage
~ Services

How we helped...

Fruity Llama implemented a comprehensive digital strategy to address GOW & Partners' challenges and achieve their goals. The strategy included Web Design/Development, Branding, and Digital Advertising.

Web Design / Development

Modern and User-Friendly Design: Designed and developed a brand-new, bespoke website that is visually appealing and easy to navigate.

Improved Functionality:
Integrated advanced features for better client interaction and an improved system for monitoring and increasing client profitability.

Responsive Design:
Ensured the website was fully responsive, providing an optimal user experience on all devices.


Consistent Branding: Developed new brand assets, including logos, business cards, and marketing materials, to ensure a consistent and professional brand image across all platforms.

Brand Guidelines:
Created comprehensive brand guidelines to maintain consistency in all future communications and marketing efforts.

Office Transformation

Modern Interior Design: Transformed the office space to reflect the new brand identity, creating a modern, welcoming environment for clients and staff.

Branded Elements:
Incorporated branded elements throughout the office to reinforce the company's identity and professionalism.

Digital Advertising

Strategic Placement: Implemented a digital advertising board campaign in their local area to increase visibility and attract potential clients.

Targeted Messaging:
Created engaging and targeted advertisements to highlight GOW and Partners' unique services and expertise.

~ Transformation

The Results &
Business Impact!

Return on Investment:
The new website and digital strategy resulted in £10,000 of new monthly revenue, leading to an annual increase of £120,000, reflecting a 2300% ROI.

Google Reviews: Increased from 50 to over 134, making GOW and Partners the highest-rated accountants in their area.

Lead Generation: The new website began generating leads, contributing to business growth and client acquisition.

Brand Visibility: A local digital advertising board campaign significantly boosted brand visibility, attracting more potential clients.

Client and Staff Satisfaction: The modernised office space and consistent branding created a more welcoming environment, enhancing satisfaction among clients and staff.

* Monthly revenue from website after 6 months

+ 2300%

Return on investment

+ 900%

Increase in lead generation

+ 618%

Increase in user engagement

The experience was exceptional. Communication was clear, the onboarding process seamless. The finished product is amazing, with clients already commenting on its quality. The team's care and diligence made them feel like an extension of our business. We now have the best local site for our industry. Highly recommend!

Kyle Lawrenson

Director - GOW & partners

~ Digital Marketing Services

Unlock the potential of your business with a free 30-minute strategy session!

Whether you're looking to boost your digital presence, enhance your branding, or drive more sales, our expert team is here to guide you.

In this session, we'll discuss your current strategies, identify key areas for improvement, and explore how our services can help you achieve remarkable growth.

Book your slot today and take the first step towards transforming your business!

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Review your current marketing efforts

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Identify growth opportunities

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Personalised advice and guidance

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Actionable 'next steps' to elevate your strategy

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01254 946 647

Contact us

Feel free to reach out to us. We're here to answer your questions and help you navigate your growth journey with tailored digital marketing solutions.

Call - 01254 946 647
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